Salvia verbenaca

Wild clary                                                                                              Γοργογιάννης

Lamiaceae - mint family                                                                                       Dicot.


The attractive spikes of purple flowers of wild clary (Salvia verbenaca) are easily recognised; the dark green leaves, with distinct lobes form a rosette at the base of the plant and continue in pairs up the stem, the flowers are arranged in neat whorls at intervals around the square stem. The flower as they emerge are deep purple but re paler when fully open; they have an interesting property, as they are self fertile and can germinate without fully opening.

Like all members of the mint family, the plant are covered in glandular hairs, which produce essential oils to protect the plant from drying, but the plant does not, like other members of the sage (Salvia) genus have a strong aroma

6-12mm, 20-50cm,
                                   JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
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