Cuscuta campestris
Field dodder Λύκος
Convolvulaceae - bindweed family Dicot.
Cuscuta campestris
Field dodder Λύκος
Convolvulaceae - bindweed family Dicot.
The curious parasitic plant, field dodder, extends its long twisting stems over and around plants creating a complex network entwining stalks and sometimes wire fences. The plants have no roots and no green leaves but have a specialised organ, a haustorium, which attaches to the host plant. The dodder sucks out water and food from their host plant. Inevitably this cause harm to the host and dodder is considered to be a dangerous weed.
Parasitic plants are often referred to as vampire plants and dodder has a variety of common names including devil’s threads and angel hair. In Greek it is, along with other parasitic plants is called Likos meaning wolf.
Cuscuta from Arabic for clothing
campestris Latin meaning field