Teucrium capitatum

Synon. Teucrium polium

Felty or mountain germander                                                                Τεύκριο το πόλιο

Lamiaceae - mint family                                                                                            Dicot.


With its wiry stems, and its small leaves, Teucrium capitatum is a typical phrygana plant and can be found in the driest of sites. The leaves have toothed edges which are incurled and the whole plant is covered in a soft, white 'felt', these features reduce water loss and protect from the heat and light. The tiny white flowers with prominent stamens and style, are crowded into rounded clusters: they are short-lived and quickly become papery seed cases.

Like many phrygana plants, Teucrium capitatum, has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb and has recently been confirmed to contain a number of pharmacologically active compounds. The old Greek name for the plant was polion (πόλιον) and it was recommended by Theophrastus to keep moths out of clothes.1

6-8mm 1-2.5cm 15-26cm 
12-40cm                             JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Stellaria media
Tanacetum parthenium

Teucrium - name used by Dioscorides for a number of plants and named after Teucer a hero of the Trojan war

Capitatum - from Latin capitatus = head referring to head-shaped cluster of flowers at the top of a stalk