Ajuga chamaepitys

Ground pine                                                                                              Χαμαιπίτυς

Lamiaceae - mint family                                                                             Dicot.


This small Ajuga plant seems to be happy growing in dry rocky places when other plants have succumbed to the heat and drought of summer. It produces small black seeds, which can remain dormant for many years germinating when conditions are right. When it has developed its fresh young leaves and before the yellow flowers appear it resembles a tiny pine tree, hence its English name. The subspecies chia, with its narrowly divided,  hairy leaves  is ideally suited to the Mediterranean climate, it grows in countries along the  North and East of the Mediterranean extending north as far as Russia and Caucasus.

Ajuga possibly variant of abigo - Latin for dispel arising from medicinal properties

Chamaepitys - meaning unknown

12-18mm ,  5-15cm,                                                                      JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Agrimonia eupatoria
Italian arumAgrimonia_eupatoria.html
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