Hypericum empetrifolium

St. John's Wort                                                                     Αγγούδουρας, βάλσαμο


Hypericaceae -   St. John's Wort family                                                                   Dicot.


The brilliant yellow of St. John's wort enliven the paths and stony places in the early summer. H. empetrifolium is a phrygana plant, which flourishes in Skopelos along the sides of the road. With its multiple fine upright woody stems forming a small shrub. The small, dark green shiny leaves and have a characteristic arrangement, in whorls of three along the length of the stem.

The flowers are typical of the Hypericum genus with 5 green stigmas, 5 glossy yellow petals and numerous yellow stamens.


15mm, 20-40cm,                                                                                               JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Medicinal properties of St. John's Wort.

The medicinal properties have been recognised since ancient times. All members of the Hypericum genus contain the chemicals hypericin and hyperforin which have anti-bacterial activity. Hypericum perforatum was used by the Knights of St. John to make a tincture used to heal wounds during the crusades of the 16th century and is still used as a folk remedy today. Like any other active medication it does have side effects, occasionally serious.

Hyocyanamus albus.
Hypericum perforatum
Perforate St. John's wortHypericum_perforatum.html