Tribulus terrestris

Caltrop                                                                                                             Ο τρίβολος 

Zygophyllaceae - caltrop family                                                                                Dicot.


Named after an ancient military device, the common weed, caltrop (Tribulus terretris) forms spreading green mats of tangled stems; it has simple yellow flowers which are followed by fruits with sharp pointed spines. The seeds penetrate the soles of shoes (and feet) and tyres and is sometimes referred to as puncture weed.

Extracts of Tribulus terrestris have been used since ancient times to improve male physique and virility. It is still a popular supplements, perhaps the association with Roman legionnaires is influential.

For more on caltops or tribulae

see page on Centaurea calcitrapa

20-90 cm, ,W                                                 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Trifolium campestre
Field clover
Taraxacum megalorhizon