Verbascum undulatum

Verbascum mullein                                                        Βερμπάσκο το κυματώδες

Scrophulariaceae                                                                                                Dicot


This is a common plant which grows in a variety of locations from olive groves and fields to the edge of newly cut roadside, as shown in photographs. The lower grey-green leaves form a rosette and are unusual in form, having deeply divided and undulating edges. Upper stem leaves are ovate and undulations decrease going up the stem.

The bright yellow flowers are arranged alternately in tall spikes, less compact than other types of verbascum. The stems are branched stiff and like the leaves covered in soft down.


1-2.5cm 40-80cm.                                                                                             JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Verbascum sinuatum
Vicia hybrida