Eryngium campestre

Field eryngo, Watling Street thistle                                            Ερύγγιο το πεδινό

Umbelliferae - carrot family                                                             Dicot.


The unusual flowers of  the silver-green, Eryngium campestre, are arranged in globes and surrounded by a star of bracts. They are supported rigid upright branched stems. almost every plant seems to have  a spider or an insect, disguised amongst the branches. Presumably the bugs are protected fromtheir predators by the sharp spines of the plants.

Although often referred to as a thistle Eryngium campestre is a member of the carrot family.

The English name Watling Street thistle comes from the fact that the plant, which is rare in U.K.was found close to the eponymous Roman road.

1cm 40-80cm12-20cm W                           JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

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