Lathyrus digitatus

Grass vetchling                                                                                                  Λάθυρος

Fabaceae - pea family                                                                                          Dicot.


One of several plants referred to as grass vetchling, Lathyrus digitatus, is a non-climbing member of the pea family and does not have tendrils. the attractive two tone pink flowers arranged in a drooping spike. It has narrrow grass-like leaves and the stems are angled but not winged.

Lathyrus digitatus contains bioactive compounds, including anti-oxidants which have the potential to be used as new nutraceuticals, that is a food which has positive medical or health benefits.

12-20mm, 20-35cm, ,
                                       JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

lathyrus from Greek name lathyros (λάθυρος) for the plant

digitatus - from digitus - finger

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