Malva unguiculata

Briony-leaved mallow                                                                                       Μαλάχη

Malvaceae - mallow family                                                                                       Dicot.


Everyone who visits Skopelos in the summer will be familiar with the widespread mallow, Malva sylvestris, but briony-leaved mallow, Malva unguiculata is much less common. It is an attractive plant with pale pink flowers, many stamens surrounding a central divided stigma. The stamens mature and release pollen before the stigma opens to reveal its sticky surfaces, thus preventing self pollination. The scientific species name is from the claw-shaped leaves, these are covered in dense hairs giving them a dull grey appearance.

Malva - the Latin name of plant derived from ancient Greek name for the plant malaki (μαλάχη)

unguiculata from unguis - Latin for claw + culata meaning like

2.5 - 3.5mm,40 - 60cm,
,                                        JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC
Misopates orontium
Weasle’s snoutMisopates_orontium.html
Malva sylvestris
Common mallowMalva_sylvestris.html