Arabis verna

Spring rock cress                                                                                         Μη διαθέσιμη

Cruciferae - mustard family                                                                                      Dicot.


With delightful, little, bright purple flowers, Arabis verna, is widespread throughout the Mediterranean, but not common on Skopelos. It grows in shady, rocky sites. The four petals form a cross, which gives name to the family, Cruciferae.

The leaves which form a basal rosette are edible, hence the common English name, spring rock cress.

10-18mm, 6-18cm,
                                              JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Arabian from Greek arabis (Άραβας) - as it grows in rocky or sandy sites

Verna from vernis - Latin for spring

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