Reseda lutea

Wild mignonette                                                                               Ροζέδα η κίτρινη

Fumariaceae - fumitory family                                                                        Dicot.


The creamy-white spires of wild mignonette grow in a variety oh habitats: on the roadside, in fields and olive groves, on wasteland and even, occasionally  on the beach. The small flowers are highly fragrant.

The species name lutea meaning yellow does not come from the colour of the flowers but the yellow die it produces, referred to as weld, it has an ancient history and is still used as a dye by traditional carpet makers in Eastern Mediterranean.

The genus name reseda comes from the medicinal properties of the plant, from latin resido, to relax. it is said to have calming properties.

4-6m ,20-40cm,
                                JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Researches in Greece and the Levant

By Rev. John Hartley

March 26 1828

Ancient Hermione : little or nothing remain of all its temples and buildings. Tragopogon porifolius, Reseda Lutea, and many other ornaments of the vegetable kingdom, now flower and flourish where men once lived.

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