Rosa sempervirans

Wild rose                                                                                                                                                                                   Αγριοτριαντάφυλλο

Rosaceae - rose family                                                                                             Dicot.


The wild rose of Skopelos is the beautiful Rosa sempervirans; has dark green, glossy leaves; long, tangled stems and an abundance of wonderfully fragrant flowers. The flowers are simple with four pure white petals surrounding a golden crown of stamens, which in turn surround the pale lemon stigma; they are arranged in crowded flat topped clusters, corymbs. The flowers are followed by red rose-hips, which are a rich source of vitamin C, but most are eaten by birds.It is the source of the essential rose oil, attar of levant, which is used in perfume and aroma therapy; it is said to have medicinal properties.

Rosa sempervirans was recommend, by THE MONTHLY CHRONICE2, as one of the flowers to plant, when  creating an Italianate garden in London in 1839.

2cm, 60cm->2metres, 
, ℞                          JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC

Her under boughs a bracing spring

Percolates, roses without number

Umber the earth and, rustling.

The leaves drip slumber.... SAFFO.

1. SAPPHO. Come Close. Translated by Aaron Poochigan. PENGUIN. Little Black Classics. No:74
THE MONTHLY CHRONICLE. A National Journal of Politics, Literature, Science and Art. Longmans. London. 1939
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